If I didn’t amortize my expenses on my 2022 tax return - what should I do?

Listed below are some of the most frequently asked questions our team receives about R&D tax credits

If I didn’t amortize my expenses on my 2022 tax return - what should I do?

Companies should work with their CPA to determine what the best estimated quarterly tax payment amount will be. If there’s no urgency to file this spring, a company should consider extending if possible—in the hopes that these changes are repealed in full or part. As CPAs wait for more guidance from the Treasury, taxpayers can still amend their 2020 and 2021 tax returns to generate unclaimed credits and potential cash refunds from prior years. And companies should look to see when they filed their 2019 tax return as the statute to amend and claim prior year refunds is three years from the filing date (2019 tax return filed in 2020). 

The R&D tax credits do expire if they’re unclaimed before statutes expire. It may be beneficial to roll the federal and state credits forward to be used to offset future income tax liabilities that may arise from the changes to Section 174 amortization. 

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